Living in Japan

Where you live

Low cost budget accommodation is usually in communal dormitories of 2 people with shared toilet, kitchen, and shower room. The rent is raging from Yen35,000 to Yen45,000 including utilities and Wi-Fi charges. A single room in the dormitory costs between Yen50,000 and Yen55,000. If you prefer to live in an apartment with toilet, kitchen, and shower for a single use, it will cost between Yen70,000 and Yen80,000 in the areas around 20-30 minutes from the school, however, the cost depends on the place.

When you are sick


There are many clinics and hospitals around the school, where all kinds of diseases including flu, stomachache, toothache, injuries, and others are taken care as well as in case of emergency,


All residents including international students must enroll in Japan’s National Health Insurance System. The insurance covers 70% of the medical costs and 30% is paid by individuals. High hospitalization expenses above a certain level are also covered by the insurance. The fee depends on the residential area, but usually raging from Yen1,500 to 2,000 per month.

Mobile phone

Mobile phone charges are usually around Yen10,000 per month, but possibly lower than this.

Part-time jobs

Since the school is located in Akasaka, Mihato-ku, center of Tokyo, there are always many job opportunities. Your student visa allows 28 hours per week for you to work. You must not work longer than this.

Status of residence

All of the international students come to Japan with the qualification of “College Student”. This qualification is given at the Edo Culture Center for one year and three months after coming to Japan (6 months depending on the school). Therefore, about a year after you came to Japan, you will need to apply for a renewal of your residence status at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government’s Immigration Bureau. Of course, the Edo Culture Center will issue documents to the Tokyo Immigration behalf of everyone. However, if you work too much part-time because of your normal life in Japan, or if you are too much absent from school , you may not be able to renew your status of residence. Please be sure to follow the rules in Japan.

Natural disasters

Japan is one of the countries where natural disasters often occur. We conduct evacuation drills for our students’ safety several times through the year. Our school is prepared to provide water, food, and tools to protect yourself from fire (such as a hood to cover your head) in an emergency.